The most important skill I learned from the 21st Century class, is how students today gather information differently than they did 30 years ago, 10 years ago, and even last year. Text and reference books were the "go to's" for gathering information. Today's students have enormous amounts of information at the click of a button. Why would they want to slow down their research to thumb through indexes of reference books?
My challenge will be to help the students to manage their research and understand the ethical and moral responsibilities of using the internet. I don't expect I will ever be ahead of the students in their technology skills as I am not as fearless as they are, however I do think I can learn a lot from them!
The web sites and programs I am excited to use in my curriculum are: voicethreads, podcast capture, text2mindmap, digital storytelling and Angel.
Things I am still confused about but hope to get straightened out is the difference between a wiki, a blog, and a twitter? And everytime I see the de-lic-ious accounts it makes me hungry!
I am thinking I would like to have one place to put all the sites I am collecting but I'm still not sure how to get it started.
I am planning on implimenting as much technology as my limited ability and time will allow. I am really re-thinking the need for assessments vs performance based projects.
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